Thursday, December 16, 2010

This is a text tutorial I learned, how to make grunge text. Once you know how to do it, it's really easy. I like grunge text you can make it as "weird "as you can.


We have learned how to use the clip tool. First you make a design and then you put the object the design need to go on, select both then clip it together. 

Animal head

In class we have learned how to moke simple Animal heads, with out any tracing and instraction.
Doing the animal heads,I find it easy to do because they are all simple shapes.
This is a tutorial I learned. I choose that tutorial because useing your own background  it makes me feel proud of my self. This tutorial I learned has some easy parts and some hard parts. But after you finnish the pice you actully find it easy to do.I also finde it really intersting!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

This picture is has different skill that I have learned throught out the year. I have use the Bezier tool make the dove and a text tutorial about how to make Grunge text. And gradiance as the background. I enjoy doing this picture, because it is like a review of most of the skill that  I have learned.

First vector graphic picture

The first leason we have learned basic shape, first I throught the tool only tools we can use in inkscape can't make great peace of work, but after I realized there is way more tools we can use, so I am excited what we will produce.

Monday, November 15, 2010


This heart is that  I have learn how to make it the picture look more 3D effect in class.
To make it look like it shines, the easyist way is make a four corner blur star, to make it look like shiney and the dark to light has made the heart's shadow.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

parret bird

parret bird, originally uploaded by Lingna Z 1998.
In digital art we haved moved on to more complicated drawings. This bird is one example of that. It uses all the different skills and. A new skill that we used was the bezier tool. In this Bird i found that the bezier tool was quite challenging you need to know how make it smooth. I like the tool because you can make any shape that the other's tool can't.

Monday, October 4, 2010


fruit, originally uploaded by Lingna Z 1998.

In Digital art we have learned how to use union, having the basic shape selected using Shift, to Path Union.I have use union to make the pear by using a small circle and a biggr circle.Just like the pear I did 2 oval and union them. I like the union tool it helps make the stroke in one. If you don't use the union then you can't have the stroke around the pear.

Monday, September 27, 2010

catoon head girl

catoon head girl , originally uploaded by Lingna Z 1998.

In the first leason in Digital art, I have learned to make a basic catoon head using the tool division to make the hair exactly the shape of the head. Then use the Edit path to make the hair the way you want. The pink cheeks is make up of two circles, and make it blurry.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

cat eat m

cat eat m, originally uploaded by Lingna Z 1998.

In class we have learned to make the basic animal catoon heads, using disturbute objects to make the ears in the exact place. The make the eyes the same you have to use Ctrl D to duplicate, and use Ctrl again drag straight. The mouse's mouth is using Union make the 2 circle joying together,also the thinking buble is using lots of circles.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


heart, originally uploaded by Lingna Z 1998.
This is my first vector graphic picture using ink scape. This hearts is using circles to make.