Wednesday, October 6, 2010

parret bird

parret bird, originally uploaded by Lingna Z 1998.
In digital art we haved moved on to more complicated drawings. This bird is one example of that. It uses all the different skills and. A new skill that we used was the bezier tool. In this Bird i found that the bezier tool was quite challenging you need to know how make it smooth. I like the tool because you can make any shape that the other's tool can't.

Monday, October 4, 2010


fruit, originally uploaded by Lingna Z 1998.

In Digital art we have learned how to use union, having the basic shape selected using Shift, to Path Union.I have use union to make the pear by using a small circle and a biggr circle.Just like the pear I did 2 oval and union them. I like the union tool it helps make the stroke in one. If you don't use the union then you can't have the stroke around the pear.